It's very unique and unusual, and this is a completely new approach that we think will revive the genre. You don't need them to be online with you, so you can play with your friends and against your friends whenever you want. So that's the idea, you play other players but you play asynchronously. If you attack someone else his defences will be controlled by AI, but your units will be controlled by you in a big RTS battle. So you plan and build your defence, and once an enemy player attacks you the defence will work for you, controlled by AI.

You build up buildings which allow you to upgrade and build units, and you surround yourself with military defence systems and your units as well. They have actually built up their defences on their own base, so you sort of have two forces – your units and your defences. Sergey Orlovskiy: If I explain a little bit you have your own base where you build up your units and plan your attacks, and from this you go and attack an opponent. Strategy Informer: You describe the multiplayer as 'asynchronous'. The singleplayer missions will take much longer, around 40 minutes or so, but for multiplayer it's very fast-paced, very intense. I think it's a very new and satisfying approach. Most online sessions in RTS games require about 30-40 minutes to play, in our case we figured out how to do it in 5-10 minutes. In Blitzkrieg 3 we wanted much more focus on that side - it will have singleplayer elements for sure, but the focus on multiplayer allowed us to create those shorter 'asynchronous' sessions, and I think this will be very appealing for the modern audience. The first two Blitzkriegs were mostly single-player experiences, we did have multiplayer but it wasn't very popular. We put much more focus on the multiplayer this time. Sergey Orlovskiy: It's a slightly different game, actually.

And hopefully we might see a modern RTS game setting with the same features in the future. I say this move is qutie welcomed in my opinion. "īlitzkrieg 3 Base Building Trailer Shows First Gameplay. History buffs will be chuffed to find out it’s all looking mighty accurate in Blitzkrieg 3, with soldiers deployed at base helping to repair damaged buildings and vehicles while preparing for attack. "Back at base players will be involved in the construction of tanks for the battlefield, building base defences, and preparing for the possibility of a roving enemy party. The New Blitzkrieg 3 "Base Trailer" shows off the new grahpics engine and its ablities, in this new trailer and info.